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Reconciliation price 2023

The reconciliation price is the weighted market price that is used to settle, over a certain period, the difference between the consumption calculated by means of profiles and the actual consumption established.

  • The reconciliation process has been laid down in the System Code and the Metering Code
  • The System Code contains stipulations about the determination and publication of the reconciliation price.

The reconciliation price concerns the average APX day-ahead price, weighted per month according to the national output per hour of profile customers, for peak and off-peak periods (prices in EUR/MWh in 2 decimal places).


  • Due to a change in methodology, new price data was published on the website for April and May 2023.
    This has already been rectified.
2023 Off peak EUR/MWh Peak EUR/MWh
January 105.60 160.46
February 128.32 152.62
March 101.93 124.26
April 88.26 97.39
May 52.14 79.34
June 66.69 94.94
July 42.62 80.59
August 80.03 89.05
September 80.77 106.76
October 67.35 114.10
November 78.07 118.97
December 60.04 100.80