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Installed capacity and fuel type

Publication on our website of the installed capacity and fuel type constitutes compliance with Article 2.5.1. of the System Code.

Select a quarter below to see an overview of the total reported installed capacity on each day of that quarter. A detailed overview of the installed capacity and the fuel type of each production unit can be downloaded via the “export data” functionality above.


Date Total installed capacity (MW)
01-01-2018 18618
02-01-2018 18618
03-01-2018 18618
04-01-2018 18618
05-01-2018 18619
06-01-2018 18618
07-01-2018 18618
08-01-2018 18618
09-01-2018 18618
10-01-2018 18619
11-01-2018 18618
12-01-2018 18618
13-01-2018 18618
14-01-2018 18618
15-01-2018 18619
16-01-2018 18618
17-01-2018 18618
18-01-2018 18618
19-01-2018 18618
20-01-2018 18619
21-01-2018 18618
22-01-2018 18618
23-01-2018 18618
24-01-2018 18618
25-01-2018 18619
26-01-2018 18618
27-01-2018 18618
28-01-2018 18618
29-01-2018 18618
30-01-2018 18619
31-01-2018 18618
01-02-2018 18618
02-02-2018 18618
03-02-2018 18618
04-02-2018 18619
05-02-2018 18618
06-02-2018 18618
07-02-2018 18618
08-02-2018 18618
09-02-2018 18619
10-02-2018 18618
11-02-2018 18618
12-02-2018 18618
13-02-2018 18618
14-02-2018 18619
15-02-2018 18618
16-02-2018 18618
17-02-2018 18618
18-02-2018 18618
19-02-2018 18619
20-02-2018 18618
21-02-2018 18618
22-02-2018 18618
23-02-2018 18618
24-02-2018 18619
25-02-2018 18618
26-02-2018 18618
27-02-2018 18618
28-02-2018 18618
01-03-2018 18619
02-03-2018 18618
03-03-2018 18618
04-03-2018 18618
05-03-2018 18618
06-03-2018 18619
07-03-2018 18618
08-03-2018 18618
09-03-2018 18618
10-03-2018 18618
11-03-2018 18619
12-03-2018 18618
13-03-2018 18618
14-03-2018 18618
15-03-2018 18618
16-03-2018 18619
17-03-2018 18618
18-03-2018 18618
19-03-2018 18618
20-03-2018 18618
21-03-2018 18619
22-03-2018 18618
23-03-2018 18618
24-03-2018 18618
25-03-2018 18522
26-03-2018 18618
27-03-2018 18618
28-03-2018 18618
29-03-2018 18618
30-03-2018 18619
31-03-2018 18618