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Intraday Belgium


Since february 2011 the Elbas platform is in use by APX/BELPEX, Elia and TenneT to enable a continuous implicit intraday market on the Belgian – Dutch border. The way of allocating capacity has been changed from a pro-rata allocation methodology into a continuous intraday trading platform where market parties are able to obtain energy as well as transfer capacity in one single transaction. The trading platform continuously takes in account the remaining cross border transfer capacity.

Some specifics on the implicit intraday auction

  • Parties are able to trade transfer capacity and energy at the same time;
  • As long/soon as cross border transfer capacity is/becomes available new deals will be made visible;
  • The available cross border transfer capacity will be recalculate based on the most recently trades;
  • Cross border nominations will be the responsibility of the power exchanges
  • Cross border tradings will be nominated as Dutch domestic nominations between the Dutch market party and the Dutch power exchange
  • The impact of the gate system for market parties has been reduced to a minimum 

More detailed information on intraday trading can be found:


Telephone Servicecentre (all questions): (026) 373 17 17 
Fax Servicecentre: (026) 373 13 95 