Balance delta plus prices
The 'Balance delta' table shows the quantities of regulating and reserve capacity
TenneT has requested for its operations. It shows these quantities, approximately
halfway each minute, for the most recent half hour, together with the prices of
the pricesetting bids.
Time indication:
- Number (1-30): fixed number of the line in the overview (1 is the most recent)
- Sequence number: sequence number of the presented minute information in the 24 hours concerned, especially for the correct processing of summer time
- Time: hour and minute when the values were determined
Activated power:
- Regulating: the regulating capacity (MW) activated by the national load frequency
control (LFC):
- up: quantity of the activated upward adjustment capacity (sum of upward adjustment signals)
- down: quantity of the activated downward adjustment capacity (sum of downward adjustment signals)
- Reserve: quantity of dispatched bids of reserve capacity (MW)
- up: quantity of dispatched bids of reserve capacity on the upward adjustment side
- down: quantity of dispatched bids of reserve capacity on the downward adjustment side
- Emergency (0, 1): this operational parameter is immediately set to 1 upon activation of emergency capacity. Depending on the dispatch time of the activated emergency
capacity, in this PTU, too, a price of emergency capacity is established that will be a determining factor for the imbalance price.
Price development:
- Highest price Up: price of the activated bid with the highest bidprice (EUR)
- Lowest price Down: price of the activated bid with the lowest bidprice (EUR)
A pricefield remains empty in a situation where no power is activated or when activated power, from the start of a new PTU, is not needed anymore for balance corrections.
In the determination of the regulation state minutes are not included in which there was activation of reserves but there was no indication of a price accompanying the published activated power (>0).
The settlement prices, the regulation state and the emergency capacity indicator in the overview of settlement prices will play a leading role in the settlement.
How to use this page?
When you open this web page you will see the data for today’s most recent 30 minutes. TenneT updates this information once every minute. You can also view data relating
to the past two hours; this information is not updated at a one-minute interval. With exception of the line number, a line in the overview will remain empty if,
due to disruptions, no up-to-date information is available. Empty lines will be completed at a later point in time, once the information within the time window
of the overview will become available.
It is inevitable that there is a delay of a few minutes in the presentation of the
real-time information. This is the result of the processing steps required. Via
the ‘export data’ function, historical Balance Delta information can be obtained.
To do this you must enter the desired date. The overview is accompanied by a shortcut
that can be used to download the presented Balance Delta information in XML format.