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System balance information presents the activation of resources which TenneT uses to limit the system imbalance including price information.
TenneT uses bids of regulating and reserve capacity which have been made available to TenneT for system balancing. In addition TenneT can activate "Noodvermogen" in case of incidents or expected long lasting power shortage. When possible TenneT limits the activation of reserves when it is not necessary to limit the imbalance in case it can be tagged internationally as mutual support.
We publish the following up-to-date information about balance maintenance:
Balance delta archive corrections June/July 2018.
For a total of approximately 300 (minutely) snapshots an activation price has erroneously been published during the months of June and July 2018. In these snapshots (always at the beginning of a PTU) no activation price should have been published for one control direction since the requested power was fully related to deactivation of requested aFRR during the previous PTU (so-called dummy power). To avoid inconsistencies/problems in future analysis the archived information has been corrected. Our apologies for any inconvenience this temporary error may have caused.