From: TenneT TSO BV
Utrechtseweg 310
NL-6812 AR Arnhem
 Telefoon:+31 26 373 1241
 Betreft:Ex post E-program deadline postponed.
Geachte heer / mevrouw,

Due to issues in the implementation of the clearing migration of APX to ECC the ex post gate closure for submission of hub nominations to TenneT TSO (E-programs) has been postponed for execution day 31-march-2016. As already announced, the new deadline is now 12:00 CEST. Please apply the following split when submitting your hub nominations to TenneT TSO: (1) The Central Counter Party for the day-ahead market coupling is still APX Balancing B.V. (EAN code 8712423025141) and (2) the Central Counter Party for the Intraday trading is European Commodity Clearing Luxembourg S.รก.r.l. (EAN code 4260088790057).


TenneT TSO B.V.